Thursday, November 1, 2018

Does Cannabis Have a Place in Senior Care?

Canada recently legalized recreational marijuana use, and a whole host of ethical questions have been raised across the globe regarding whether or not this should be repeated in other countries. On one hand, this drug brings about a lot of negative because of the impaired judgment and other side effects that its use can cause. On the other, the effect that the drug has on those suffering from chronic pain, a terminal illness, or other health issues can be a positive thing. Doctors and researchers have looked at the drug and have been torn as to whether or not it should be permitted.


New research into cannabis has found that the positive effects can be obtained from the plant without the negative “high” that recreational users seek out. A team of researchers from the McGill University Health Centre have been able to extract the cannabidiol elements that can bind to pain receptors and provide benefits to those suffering from chronic pain without the THC that produces the addictive euphoria that is associated with recreational usage.


Using an animal model, these researchers were able to help relieve both pain and anxiety without producing the negative high that critics of legalized marijuana speak out about. Instead, the animals were able to experience relief from these detriments. It is hoped that the same thing can be transferred to humans and provide relief from things like chronic back pain, sciatica, cancer, trauma, and terminal illness pain. Of course, there’s a lot more research needed here, but the researchers were very positive about providing relief without any of the concerns that marijuana brings with it.


Their findings were recently published in PAIN (The Journal of the International Association for the Study of Pain).


Cannabis use in health care, especially senior care, is a divisive issue. However, if the positives can be obtained without the negatives, then suddenly there is the potential for this drug to have a major place in health care. There’s a lot more research needed here, but if this new study is correct, there is the potential for cannabis use to have a very helpful place in the treatment of our elderly loved ones.


Elements of cannabis might be extracted to help people without the negatives associated with the drug.


Just remember, all situations are unique. Each person has a different set of needs and goals when it comes to their health. This might be a helpful treatment for one person, but not another. Finding a unique solution to your loved one’s senior care needs can go a long way toward helping your parent or grandparent live a higher quality of life.


Good senior care can do a lot toward helping with pain management. Not because caregivers are trained in how to administer painkillers or apply therapeutic techniques, but because they provide loving human contact. When people are around other people that they care about, something happens in the brain. For many, this can help them to live a better life, pain or not. This is one of the many reasons why regardless of what medical decisions you and your elderly loved one make, a professional caregiver can be of help to your family.

The post Does Cannabis Have a Place in Senior Care? appeared first on Paradise In-Home Care.

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