Saturday, November 3, 2018

Planning for Care Without Family

I’ve talked about elder orphans a few times in the past on this blog, and how this segment of the senior population faces a unique set of challenges when it comes to planning for care.


And while finding someone to help with giving care as we age is one of the most important things that we can do, it’s often one of the last things that’s addressed. Rather, most people focus on saving up for retirement through their IRA or 401(k), finding a city that will be more favorable to the needs of seniors, or even to making repairs and additions to their homes to get ready for their changing needs. Ensuring that there is a legal procedure in place for someone to take over decision making when they are unable to do so themselves is often ignored.


Family does not need to be the one that handles your care. There are legal steps that can be taken to make sure that all of your healthcare and financial needs are prepared for ahead of time. Known as living wills and trusts, these documents must be prepared for you by an attorney. There are other steps that can be taken, too. The first step is to educate yourself and ensure that you will be safe regardless of what happens.


This isn’t something that just impacts elder orphans. It has an effect on all senior citizens that need care. Many are lucky and have family close by that can step in as soon as it is recognized that help is needed, but not all do. If you are in this latter group, it’s important that you start thinking about it today. If you had a stroke tomorrow, who would you want to help handle the important decisions for you?


Demographic data shows that the number of elderly individuals who have never had children is about 10 percent higher today than it was a couple decades ago. As the senior population grows, this is a scenario that is going to become more and more common. You might even find yourself in this situation. If you do, it’s important that you take a few minutes to ponder the topic. At the very least, you’ll find yourself realizing that you have the situation under control. Or, you might discover that you have some planning ahead of you.


Ensuring that good senior care is in place can be difficult when family members are not involved in the process.


If you do have questions about senior care and how it might help you in the future, get in touch with us today. We offer a free consultation designed to answer any questions regarding senior care that you might have. We might have the answers ourselves, but if we don’t we can certainly point you toward the resources that you will need to find the answers and help that you need. Located in the Bay Area, we specialize in in-home care designed to help you keep the same quality of life throughout your senior years that you have grown used to. Please give us a call if we can help in any way.

The post Planning for Care Without Family appeared first on Paradise In-Home Care.

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