Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Human Connection Important When Treating Dementia

Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease or any other type of dementia is never easy. You watch the person that you have loved for so many years decline in health, both mentally and physically. It is never easy for a family to endure, and sometimes, families are not sure what the best approach for care is here.


Some of the more common symptoms of dementia include confusion regarding time, disorientation, repetitive motions, anger, and vegetation. These symptoms all point toward a declining cognitive ability, and they all point toward a deep need. The only real way to individual this need that each person with dementia has is to have other people keeping an eye on them and making adjustments as needed. With all of the things that a senior can acquire or receive to help themselves, the support of a few people who truly care about them is by far the best thing possible.


There are a lot of beliefs and theories when it comes to dementia and how it should be treated. However, even though some of these theories conflict with each other, everyone agrees that human contact is very helpful when it comes to controlling the symptoms associated with dementia. When someone is confused or angry, the soothing contact that another individual can bring is extremely helpful. It might not be able to fix the situation permanently, but it can bring a few moments of comfort to an individual that is suffering through dementia.


It stands to reason that some people will be better at bringing this comfort than others. Many times, it is a family member that can provide the best emotional support to an older loved one. Other times, although a family member would be ideal to help with an older loved one’s care, it isn’t possible.


Human contact is vital when it comes to treating dementia.


That’s why we recommend getting a free, professional consultation when it comes to evaluating your needs when it comes to senior care. You may be doing a great job providing for the unique needs that your loved one has as they struggle with dementia, or there might be a thing or two that you can improve upon. Either way, getting a second opinion can be very helpful, especially for the quality of life that your older relative is experiencing. Even if professional senior care doesn’t sound like it can be helpful to you or your situation, having another set of minds going over the situation and giving you some feedback can be reassuring.


If you have questions about care, get in touch with us today. We have a team of loving and dedicated caregivers that specialize in dementia and memory care ready to help. We can go over your needs and evaluate what can help you to provide better assistance on a day to day basis for the people that you love. Maybe you don’t need anything. We can let you know. But if you do need help or have an area that can be improved upon, we can help you get started in the right direction.

The post Human Connection Important When Treating Dementia appeared first on Paradise In-Home Care.

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