Sunday, October 7, 2018

Ongoing Physical Activity Important

A recent article in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, exercise is far more helpful at improving health than thought. Heart disease is the number one killer in the United States, and a large percentage of those that have heart disease acquired it because of a lack of physical activity. Many that do suffer from heart disease could improve their medical prognosis by incorporating even a light amount of exercise into their daily routines.


This current article was a broad review of existing literature on exercise and heart health, looking at about 25 other studies that had been previously conducted. Case after case revealed that exercise leads to better health, and that even if heart health is poor, physical activity can help to improve this. Researchers recommended 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week, or 150 minutes of moderate activity. However, something is better than nothing in this case. Even a few minutes per day is better than a sedentary lifestyle.


Adding to this, the article stated that inactivity is responsible for about 9 percent of all premature deaths throughout the world. If exercise can help to prevent these, then people will, in general, start to live longer and healthier lives. When someone lives a healthier life, their reliance on senior care, including in-home care, will decrease.


Physical activity has a positive long term impact on heart health.


You’ve probably heard it before, but prevention in really the best medicine. In the case of exercise, prevention can actually help you to live longer, be happier, and save money while doing so. If you can delay the expenses associated with senior care for another ten years of your life by keeping yourself in better shape, it seems foolish not to take this next step toward improving your life today.


Now, everyone knows that exercise is good for you. It’s one thing to say that exercise is beneficial, but if this is not something that you honestly believe, it will not be reflected in your actions. Education can help a lot here, but sometimes, the best thing that you can do–both for yourself and your family–is to start creating better habits. When practicing good health becomes a daily habit, the benefits occur automatically. It doesn’t matter if you have suffered from some sort of cardiac emergency in the past, there is some sort of physical exercise that you can do that will help you to live a healthier life. Be sure that you speak with a doctor about exercise so that this can be applied safely to your life. When done right, the impact will be incredibly beneficial to increasing the quality of life that you and your loved one’s experience.


If you’re unsure of where to start, get in touch with a doctor. Just like a medication, exercise can be tailored to an individual’s needs. If you or a loved one are trying to improve your heart health, following a doctor’s orders will better ensure your chances of success, and keep you safe while doing so. Better health has many benefits, and a long, happier life is one of them.

The post Ongoing Physical Activity Important appeared first on Paradise In-Home Care.

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