Saturday, March 17, 2018

Stroke Treatments to Target Glutamate

A newly developed drug called QNZ-46 looks like it might have the potential to reduce the amount of damage that is done to the brain after a stroke. The drug works by lessening the amount of glutamate that is released after a stroke. Glutamate is–as scientists currently believe–the main cause of brain injury after a stroke has occurred. According to the authors of this study, it could offer new hope to thousands of people who are struggling because of a stroke.


Stroke is one of the main causes of disability and premature death. It’s considered a cardiovascular illness, and as such, it is often preventable. Healthy practices such as eating right, getting exercise, not smoking, and preventing high blood pressure and cholesterol can go a long way toward decreasing the risk of having a stroke. For the thousands of people who have already suffered from a stroke, working on improving health can also help to prevent a second stroke from occurring.


A loved one that’s recovering from a stroke is never an easy trial for a family. There are many new difficulties that arise, one of which is seeing someone that you care about suffering. If you’ve ever been in a situation where someone in your family is in need of care, or you’re currently going through this now, there is hope for you and your family. Although the new treatments for stroke are still in the early stages of emerging and gaining acceptance from the medical community, the use of a skilled and compassionate caregiver might be what your family needs now to cope with this new development.


A new treatment for stroke targets glutamate, which is believed to injure the brain.


Strokes are especially difficult to treat because of the nature of the medical issue. There’s a lot of unpredictability with the prognosis for a stroke survivor, and treatment is often not as effective as might be expected. However, with the assistance of an in-home caregiver, your loved one can get the help around the house that they need as they go through the rehabilitation and learn how to do the things that once came easily to them again. It’s a trying experience for even the most loving and resolute of families, but having a caregiver that you know and trust to help out can take some of the physical burden off of your back.


If you have questions about which type of senior care or what exactly in-home care is, get in touch with us today. We can meet with you and your family during a free consultation, and go over what your options are and help you to determine what will be of most help to you. Getting the opinion of your parent’s doctor will also be helpful, especially if the physical needs are severe are still developing. Working in conjunction with several care professionals will help to ensure that your mom or dad gets the very best when it comes to their life. A stroke is a traumatic experience for all family members, but that doesn’t mean that their care should not be as high of a quality as possible.

The post Stroke Treatments to Target Glutamate appeared first on Paradise In-Home Care.

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