Sunday, March 18, 2018

Financial Abuse is Often Committed by Someone Close

Seniors have long been the targets of those looking to take advantage of others economically. On average, seniors are less likely to report these crimes, either because they are more embarrassed about having been taken advantage of, or because they are unaware that it has even happened. For these reasons, it’s hard to say with any sort of certainty just how often senior financial abuse takes place or what exactly the relationship between the victim and the criminal is, but many estimates say that the one committing the crime is often a relative or friend of the one who is abused.


You love your mom, and only want the very best when it comes to her care. You would do anything to ensure that she had the best doctors and care team on her side as she ages. This doesn’t mean that everyone has the same pure intentions that you do. Being a loving and providing family member is definitely a good thing, but being aware can often do a lot of good, too.


Financial abuse is often committed by someone who was close to the victim.


It’s impossible to prevent every single bad thing from happening to your mom or dad. Even with the most thorough observation skills and even when you are incredibly aware of everything that is going on, it’s still possible that something might happen to your parent. You can’t prevent everything, especially with some of the more sophisticated theft techniques that occur online. But being aware that seniors are often targeted, and knowing where that issue might be most likely to occur can do wonders for increasing your loved one’s safety. Helping them to live a safer life is something that you want to do anyways, but sometimes we don’t always have the knowledge necessary to really provide that.


This is why hiring a professional caregiver is so important. You wouldn’t hire someone off the street to do your taxes, no matter how good they told you they were at finding deductions, right? The life of someone that you love is much more important than that. Hiring a professionally trained caregiver will provide many more benefits than hiring someone who has simply posted an ad online saying that they’re available for caregiving. In this way, you can help your parent to live a safer life by having an extra set of kind and compassionate eyes on your side. Someone who has experience in the field, loves what they do, and has the backing of a larger company can do much more good than another choice could.


This might not seem like it is a huge protection for your mom or dad, but it helps to prevent abuse coming from a caregiver from happening. Unfortunately, there have been many instances reported where a caregiver uses his proximity to a senior for personal gain, rather than to help them out. This act of betrayal can often be prevented by hiring someone who has had a thorough background check and works for a larger company, rather than acting as an individual.

The post Financial Abuse is Often Committed by Someone Close appeared first on Paradise In-Home Care.

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