Saturday, February 2, 2019

The Importance of Music

Music is an important part of life for a lot of people–including our elderly family members. It is something that we enjoy and it can be a good way to help keep people with dementia or a disability cognitively active. Much research has been done regarding music and experts agree that it’s good for us.


In some instances, music therapy has been shown to be helpful for seniors. This has been an established form of treatment for about 75 years, but it is still gaining traction in the world of senior care. It isn’t covered by all forms of insurance, but that doesn’t mean that it can’t be helpful for your elderly loved one. This type of therapy has shown great promises in the areas of mental health, physical rehabilitation, injury recovery, slowing the spread of dementia, and other areas of health. If this is something that seems promising for yourself or a family member, check your local listings to see what professionals in your area exist. From there, you will be able to learn more about what services are offered and how they might apply to your situation.


Music is a large part of many people’s lives. This is true regardless of what age you are–12 or 99. It makes sense that the comforts of our earlier lives as we age. However, it is also really easy to overlook that the hobbies of our loved ones will remain interests to them as they begin to have advanced needs that require the attention of a care professional. And you don’t need to work with a professional therapist to start reaping the benefits of music. Sometimes, just playing familiar songs that a loved one enjoys can be a boost to their happiness and health. It’s a good way to keep them engaged and entertained, too.


Music and other hobbies can do wonders for quality of life.


Of course, it’s important for us to remember that music is not the only hobby that can bring added joy to the lives of our elderly loved ones. Art, reading, writing, dance, puzzles, coin collections, gardening, and many other things are valuable hobbies. Just because someone has grown in years does not mean that these things are no longer of interest to them. Helping your loved one to maintain access to the little things in life that bring them joy can help them to be happier, and increase their quality of life as a result.


Ultimately, that is the goal of senior care: to increase the quality of life of the people that we love. This can be achieved in many ways, and senior care focuses on helping physical needs like eating, getting around the house, and bathing, to be accomplished with a greater degree of ease and safety. If you have questions how in-home care can help your loved one to get through each day in a safer and easier manner, please feel free to contact us. You can do so by phone, email, or in the comment section of this site. We’ll be happy to help you get started in the right direction.

The post The Importance of Music appeared first on Paradise In-Home Care.

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