Saturday, January 26, 2019

Medicare Changes Might be Helpful for Senior Living

Recently, it was announced that there would be changes to Medicare Advantage. Some of these changes could be very beneficial for seniors looking for assistance with their care, but this will only prove to be helpful if a better understanding of insurance is gained. Unfortunately, even though health insurance is a reality for all of us, it is often confusing and misunderstood.


The change comes under the heading of Value-Based Insurance Design (VBID). The VBID model is designed to encourage care services to use methods that have a proven history of being effective. One of the things that has a strong track record of improving the quality of life of seniors is aging in place. Thanks to this, it is hoped that more and more care services will start offering senior living options and in-home care services. It was originally rolled out in 7 states in 2017. In 2020, it will be available in all 50 states.


Seniors rely most heavily on Medicare, but it isn’t the only insurance policy that can be helpful for those in need of senior care. And Medicare alone has many different choices that are available within it. Medicare Advantage has a lot of customization tools within it–some of which might be ideal for you and your family. If you have questions about the best use of your money when it comes to insurance and providing senior care, get in touch with an insurance professional knowledgeable in the area of senior care. Yes, it’s still a bit unclear just how insurance will cover costs in these areas, especially when you start considering that insurance laws do vary from state to state. However, the fact that the federal agency that oversees these things has realized that traditional methods of care are not necessarily the best is a huge step in the right direction. Hopefully, the laws and regulations concerning the health of elderly individuals will continue to improve to maximize the benefits and assistance that they can receive.


Medicare changes

Medicare changes have the potential to make in-home care and senior living more affordable and accessible.


One of the interesting effects of these changes that I’d like to highlight is that they are encouraging more and more private care services to start offering more integrated services. This typically takes the form of housing for seniors and improved senior living options. Luckily, despite the confusion and red tape that senior care and health insurance in general can bring with it, this is a change that has the potential to help elderly individuals.


At Paradise In-Home Care, our goal is to bring you the best assistance that we can. Laws will change and the way that care is paid for and applied might be altered over the years, but one thing will not change: the elderly people that we love and care about benefit from a compassionate caregiver helping them on a daily basis. In-home care is such a strong type of care because it allows for seniors to age in place in their own homes. Making this more easily attainable can only do good in the coming years.

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