Thursday, January 17, 2019

Does Curcumin Do Everything People Say it Does?

Supplements often make big promises. Sometimes, those promises are completely empty and end up not doing much more than act as a placebo for those that take them. Other times, a supplement can have a positive impact on your health.


For example, a recent study found that the supplement curcumin could have a positive impact on the fight against dementia. Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric, a spice that many of us already have in our cabinets. This study indicated that curcumin might reduce the chance of someone developing Alzheimer’s disease. At the UCLA Longevity Center, 40 middle aged and elderly individuals in good health took the supplement twice a day for about 18 months. 21 of those people were given the active ingredient, while 19 were given a placebo. Short term verbal and visual memory were tested at both the beginning of the study and at the end. Those that had been taking the curcumin showed improved results regarding those memory tests.


If this is something that you want to try and reap the benefits of, be sure to get in touch with a medical professional. The first thing that you want to find out is whether or not this will have any sort of negative impact on you. Some supplements can counteract medications or have an opposite impact depending on the health conditions that might be present. Additionally, not all supplements do the things that we want them to do. In fact, even regarding curcumin, there are a lot of supplements on the market that don’t provide the full benefits that this study reported finding. Whether it is because of absorption issues or weak levels of the active ingredient, it’s important to check and make sure that if you are going to take a supplement to help improve health and prevent future issues that it is going to do what you think it is. Checking with your doctor before you start will help guide you in the right direction.


curcumin might be a helpful supplement

Curcumin may help with improved memory, according to a recent study.


When it comes to curcumin, there are more benefits than just improved memory. Other studies have shown that it can help as an anti-inflammatory and can even reduce arthritis pain. Again, this supplement might not be right for everyone so check with a medical professional that is familiar with your health history before you take this.


There are a lot of other options out there that you might be thinking about taking as a supplement. Some of these are helpful and have a proven track record like cucumin but not all of them. Again, be sure to check with a professional in the area if you think that it might be of help to you. It would be very detrimental to you if you took something that you thought would help but ended up doing more harm than good.


Dementia is not an easy thing to deal with. When a family member suffers from this, it can completely shake up your family dynamics. It is often a stressful and painful experience. If you have questions about dementia or memory care, feel free to get in touch with us to see how our professionally trained caregivers can help you and your family.

The post Does Curcumin Do Everything People Say it Does? appeared first on Paradise In-Home Care.

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