Saturday, November 17, 2018

Can Surgery Help Alleviate Parkinson’s Symptoms?

The University of Virginia Health System recently announced that a new method of treating Parkinson’s disease has seen a great deal of success based on their research.


This new method of treatment is not really all that new. An already known surgery method that has shown a good degree of success in the past can now be performed without any sort of intrusive surgery. In short, the scalpel can be eliminated and is replaced with sound waves. The process is called focused ultrasound, and could very well be an effective method for helping many individuals suffering from Parkinson’s.


It works by sending ultrasound waves into the brain to target the area that is impacted by the disease. This new study showed that patients who underwent the procedure showed fewer tremors 12 months after it had taken place. The study also showed that patients who were happier were more likely to report a higher quality of life, even if they did suffer from tremors. There were very few reports of cognitive decline after the procedure had taken place. That was very good news, especially for those that currently suffer from Parkinson’s.


It is definitely worth stating that this is not a cure for Parkinson’s. It is solely a method to help make the symptoms more manageable and to help improve the quality of life for people with this disease.


Yes, there’s still a lot of work to do before this treatment method becomes widely used–if it becomes widely used. More tests and approvals are needed. Still, this does appear to be quite effective and safe. Hopefully it lives up to its promise. This type of treatment has already been approved by the FDA for other health conditions.


A surgery-free procedure might help alleviate symptoms for those with Parkinson’s.


When a loved one has Parkinson’s, or any other illness or disability, finding a caregiver is often a top priority for families. It’s not easy to see a loved one decline in health, and providing care for them is often a lot more difficult than it might seem at first. A trained caregiver can often be the difference between good care provided by a family member, and great care provided with the help of a professional. The beauty of in-home care is that it doesn’t replace the love and attention of a family caregiver, it acts as a supplement to it.


If you’re looking for high quality in-home care, we can help. We have caregivers that are trained to assist those that are dealing with the symptoms of Parkinson’s and many other diseases and conditions that target the elderly. There’s no way that we can replace the love and warmth that a family caregiver provides, and we don’t want to do that. However, if you are feeling overwhelmed or just unable to give your parent the attention that they deserve, we can help you to continue to give them the best care that they can possibly receive.


Give us a call to schedule a free consultation to learn more about what we can do to help.

The post Can Surgery Help Alleviate Parkinson’s Symptoms? appeared first on Paradise In-Home Care.

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