Monday, May 14, 2018

Stimulation Helps More Patients Recover After Stroke

A stroke is one of the scariest things that can happen to an elderly loved one. Seeing someone in otherwise good health suddenly be unable to do the simple tasks that they once took for granted is hard on both the person experiencing the difficulty, as well as everyone else who loves them and is close to them. There have been many different recommendations made over the years to try and help individuals who have suffered from a stroke to regain physical ability, but even with the huge advances in medical care that have occurred, some people never fully recover from a stroke.


Physical therapy is one of the things that doctors have been found to be helpful for those that are recovering after a stroke. It is certainly not a catchall antidote, and for some, a stroke has done too much damage to the brain for physical therapy to bring about the desired change. However, therapy can be quite helpful in some cases. Another solution that doctors have recently found helps with fine motor improvement is non-invasive brain stimulation. This finding was recently published in the European Journal of Neurology.


Researchers looked at both transcranial direct current stimulation and transcranial magnetic stimulation in those that were recovering from a stroke and noticed that fine motor skills and coordination saw significant improvements when these methods were employed. Researchers also noticed that benefits were shown when they were used in conjunction with other methods, such as physical therapy. This gives doctors more options and more potential for helping people who are struggling with disability after a stroke to regain a more complete usage of their body.



Noninvasive brain stimulation might be a strong supplement to physical therapy after stroke.


Different people benefit from different things, and what works well for one person doesn’t always work for another. This is true in the medical treatment of strokes, but it’s also true in non-medical treatment, such as what we see with senior care. One approach to care might be perfect for one person, but be a horrible choice for someone else. Having many options available to us and our families is important because it allows for the best possible course of action to have a better chance of being followed. Just like one stroke treatment approach might work well on one person but not another, one approach to senior care might be great for one person, and not another.


This is why we provide in-home care to seniors. We know that a nursing home or another type of care might be great in one situation, but it certainly isn’t great in all situations. Having more choices available to you gives you a better chance of ensuring that your family has the perfect approach to care available to you, whatever that might end up being.


Please get in touch with us today if you have questions or concerns about how senior care–and specifically in-home care–can benefit your family today. The free consultations that we offer are a great way to get these questions out in the open and get you a step closer to helping your loved ones.

The post Stimulation Helps More Patients Recover After Stroke appeared first on Paradise In-Home Care.

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