Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Helping Your Family By Not Acting as a Caregiver?

Canada, our neighbor to the north, has published that 35 percent of the workforce also pulls double duty by acting as an unpaid caregiver to a family member or a friend. Not only is this a lot of work, it adds a large amount of stress to people’s lives. This becomes even more problematic when someone runs or works within a small business. Having more than one obligation–especially when there are many people relying on you–can make this stressful. Very rarely is this an easy situation to be in. Sometimes people respond by leaving their jobs, but even this is a decision that should not be made lightly. Sometimes, it isn’t even a possibility.


It doesn’t matter if you live in Canada, the United States, or somewhere else. Helping with the senior care of a loved one poses a very real challenge, especially when there are other things to take into consideration. Your family is extremely important, but they are not the only responsibility that you have. Finding a good balance between work, your family, and any other commitments that you might have is important. You’re family is likely the biggest and most important thing in your life–but sometimes spending all of your time caring for your family is not as helpful as it might seem. It draws you away from your work, which is where you earn the money to support your family. It presents a seeming Catch-22 where no matter what you do, someone or something loses out.


Sometimes you can help your family more by keeping your job and not acting as a family caregiver.


That’s where professional senior care steps in. It might not seem realistic to hire an in-home caregiver at first, but in many cases it will be the right choice. In fact, studies have indicated that hiring a professional caregiver actually reduces long term costs because it helps to preserve your job and keeps that opportunity cost and earning potential in your favor. Small business owners that close up shop to help provide care for a loved one are doing the right thing, but they are not always taking the right approach. Over the short term, this might seem like the only option, but over the long term, it can be quite hindering.


Every single family situation is different, and what’s best for you isn’t always going to be what’s best for everyone else. If you are currently in a situation like the one described above, it’s important to take a step back and honestly evaluate your options. It might be a good idea to hire a caregiver and keep working, or it might be a good idea to take a more active role in your loved one’s care. Both are honorable choices, but both cases need to be evaluated given your individual circumstances.


As always, if you do have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with us. Our free consultation service can answer your questions and provide you with more information so that you can make a more educated decision on what is best for your family.

The post Helping Your Family By Not Acting as a Caregiver? appeared first on Paradise In-Home Care.

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