Friday, April 13, 2018

New Model for Treating Cancer

Cancer treatments are something that elderly individuals pay a lot of attention to. After all, the older someone gets, the higher the chances that they will develop a form of cancer become. Unfortunately, time does not do us any favors when it comes to our health. The older we get, the more likely some sort of sickness or disease will occur. Cancer is one of the scariest of all the things that can happen to us, though. There’s always a bit of uncertainty that surrounds the disease–even when doctors are confident that they can successfully treat the disease. It is hard to know exactly what will happen, even a few years after the disease has been eradicated.


Researchers are continuing to make headway against cancer. That’s good news. Still, some cancer treatments have become much more effective over the last couple decades. Radiation therapy, for example, has become much more precise, and thanks to that, it is helping more people. That’s not the only way that treatments are improving, though. In fact, one of the more recent developments in the fight against cancer is the use of organoid “avatars.” This might sound like something out of a science fiction movie, but through the use of artificial organs and a microscopic portion of a tumor, researchers can recreate the cancer that someone has within them, and learn more effective and individualized methods of treating them. Rather than trying to run tests on dead tissue, researchers can grow the same tumor that is harming someone’s body, and see what happens in a more realistic setting.


Cancer treatments are changing for the better.


Here’s how it works: imagine that you have bladder cancer. A doctor can take a biopsy of the tumor in your bladder and grow it in an artificial bladder in a laboratory setting. This will give your treatment team a much better idea of how the tumor inside of you will act. Treatments can be customized to fit that unique model, and hopefully improve the odds of a full recovery.


Yes, this type of treatment is in its earliest stages. That doesn’t mean that it does not hold a lot of promise. Our elderly loved ones who may suffer from cancer in the future stand to benefit a great deal from this new method, if it works as researchers hope that it does. It also looks like it will benefit future generations, too.


Cancer is scary. If you have an elderly loved one–or even a younger loved one–that is battling this disease in one of its many forms, you know just how scary it is. You might even have had cancer yourself. In-home care might be necessary to help get you and your family through some of the tougher moments of the disease. If this isn’t something that you’ve considered before, it could be worthwhile. To learn more about how a professional caregiver can help your family, get in touch with us today. Who know? Maybe this is exactly what you and your family need to make managing the outside stressors a little bit easier.

The post New Model for Treating Cancer appeared first on Paradise In-Home Care.

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