Saturday, April 14, 2018

Depression’s Major Impact on Health

According to the American Heart Association, depression has a negative impact on patients who suffer from heart disease or have had a stroke in the past. A recently published study shows that heart attack patients with depression are far more likely to be hospitalized, go to the emergency room, and spend much more money on healthcare than other heart patients do. Unfortunately, even though depression tends to be associated with just emotions, it has a very real impact on the health of someone suffering from it.


Clinical depression often goes unacknowledged and untreated, but that doesn’t mean that it does not have very real health consequences. People tend to think that depression only really affects mood. Yes, this does occur, but mood is certainly not the only thing that is impacted by the presence of depression. It has an impact on heart health and how that aspect of life is handled. The downside is that people suffering from depression find that they have much more on their plate to struggle with than just their happiness. When this occurs, a downward spiral of health issues can occur, and this can cause an even deeper depression.


Luckily, depression tends to be very treatable. This requires an effort on behalf of both the patient and his or her team of doctors, but it usually is something that can be alleviated. The generally accepted treatment for depression takes three different approaches: counseling, exercise, and medication. Finding the right mixture of these three things can be very effective. There are tougher instances out there, which is why a doctor’s guidance is vital to health during this time. Mental health is important, but it’s only a portion of what depression can impact.


Depression can have a major impact on heart health.


It is estimated that about 20 percent of everyone suffering from heart disease also suffers from depression. That makes the severity of the issue that much worse. However, those with depression also tend to have a history of receiving worse health care over the course of their lives. Unfortunately, this is also a consequence of the depression itself. When someone has depression, finding the motivation to take care of yourself is often not there. If prevention is the best medicine, depression patients are often skipping out on one of the most effective measures that they can take for managing their health. This is yet another reason why the effective treatment of depression has such importance.


Having an elderly loved one with depression is tough on the entire family. There might need to be decisions that need to be made, and if you’re parent is not able to make those decisions on their own, this can put a huge strain on families. Having a strong care team on your side, such as a professional in-home care service like what Paradise In-Home Care offers, can be a big help with some of this strain. If you’d like to learn more about care for a loved one, get in touch with us today to see what we can do to help you and your family out.

The post Depression’s Major Impact on Health appeared first on Paradise In-Home Care.

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