Monday, February 26, 2018

Can a Better Understanding of Neurology Help Stroke Recovery?

Not all studies have a clearly visible outcome or meaning upon completion, but that doesn’t mean that they have no promise. One such example has recently come to light with a neurobiology study that was done on patients that had been given Do Not Resuscitate – Comfort Care orders. These were individuals that had suffered some sort of severe brain injury, and were in the process of dying. Doctors in Germany looked at EEG readings of these patients in order to get a better idea of how the brain functioned during this period.


The point of the study was to gather data so that those who have suffered some sort of temporary stoppage of circulation, such as those that have a stroke or some other sort of cardiac event face, can have a better chance of a high quality treatment. The results of this study were published in the journal Annals of Neurology.


Scientists are still mainly convinced that the data that was uncovered can be helpful in cases of stroke, but they’re still not sure exactly how. One complication that was faced is that there was a sizable gap in time between the times that were measured and when the data showed up on the EEG readings. It is believed that this method of observation will not be that helpful until EEG technology is improved upon.


Can a better understanding of neurology help with stroke recovery?


When a loved one suffers a stroke, it is a life changing event. Even a minor stroke can lead to disability, and supervision is often required as your mom or dad learns how to do simple tasks over again. It can be a trying time, and not just for the person that is going through the rehabilitation process. You want to have a good doctor on your side, but oftentimes this isn’t quite enough. An in-home care service may be needed, if only for a temporary basis, as your parent readjusts to their daily tasks. Speaking with a doctor can give you guidance on what your parent’s new set of needs might entail.


You might choose to act as a family caregiver. If so, it’s important that you familiarize yourself with warning signs of a second stroke. Statistics say that the odds of having a stroke go up significantly if you’ve already had a stroke. This is why using a professional caregiver is recommended. The best caregivers have been trained in regards of how to spot a stroke or other life threatening events and respond appropriately. If you do hire a caregiver, be sure that they have received this training.


So, can a better understanding of neurology help us better understand how to treat and help those that have a stroke? Maybe. But based on this evidence, no clear direction has yet been uncovered. Doctors will keep investigating this. In the meantime, it’s important that you do all that you can to help a loved one who is recovering from a stroke have the appropriate care, supervision, and moral support so that they can have a less stressful experience as they go through this difficult time.

The post Can a Better Understanding of Neurology Help Stroke Recovery? appeared first on Paradise In-Home Care.

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