A lot of senior care companies and major technology corporations are joining forces to help create better lives for the older people that we care about. People are beginning to realize that the cost of care doesn’t need to be as high as it is, and that care can be much more than what we find when we think of a nursing home. Technology is helping to pave this path.
This shouldn’t be a surprise. The more we learn about care, the more we are realizing that sometimes spending a little bit of money can actually save a lot. Senior care in general fits into this category. Those who specialize in senior care financing often report that the cost of an in-home care service is actually less than the opportunity cost of staying home to help provide care for a loved one on your own. This principle can also carry over into other areas, including technology. Home security systems, fall prevention monitors, emergency alerts, and enhanced communication devices are all geared toward helping seniors be safer in their own homes, and they all rely on advanced technology.
Senior tech matters, and it has the potential to revolutionize how we approach care. No, nothing can replace the presence of another human providing assistance. The need for a family caregiver or a professional one will never go away. That’s why we do what we do here at Paradise In-Home Care. However, the way that care is thought of and even the cost of care can be impacted by technology.
A lot of companies realize this, and they are taking steps to help make care better for all those involved.
One recent example comes from the internet provider Spectrum, who recently gave a $35 thousand grant to a group in Louisville, Kentucky, to help them better care for the elderly through enhanced technology. This particular grant was geared toward helping individuals that are aged 55 or older learn new skills involving technology so that they can transition to a new career before they reach retirement age. Those people are then placed in a job that deals with community service of some type, such as a library, a community or daycare center, or some other job. It’s an easy way for the community to give back to seniors, and for seniors to continue to gain and use the skills that are needed to stay competitive in the workplace.
Technology is designed to make our lives easier. Whether it comes to finding a job, or keeping us safer in our homes, technology plays a large role in making life better when it is used correctly. Finding the right pieces of technology to help your loved one live a better life can be an important way to help them be safer and healthier along with helping you to relieve some of the stress that you are experiencing on your end, too. Senior care is not easy; if there are tools out there that can help make your job easier you should learn more about them and embrace them.
The post Why Senior Tech Matters appeared first on Paradise In-Home Care.
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