Monday, February 25, 2019

How to Spot Self Neglect

Elder abuse is one of the most serious issues that our elderly loved ones face. This can come in many different forms, ranging from emotional, to physical, to financial, to sexual abuse. It can also be characterized by a lack of action when needed, more commonly called neglect. The older people in our lives already have enough health challenges in front of them. Adding to those difficulties because of selfish reasons is completely unacceptable. Senior abuse is a serious issue and we should all be doing our part to try and put an end to it.


When senior abuse comes from our own loved one, it is a lot harder to spot and to know what to do about it. Self neglect is a form of abuse, even if it is self-inflicted. Self neglect occurs when someone is not doing the basic things to take care of themselves, and as a result of that, they are placing themselves or their property in a dangerous situation. Things like not eating, not bathing, not changing clothes, or doing tasks necessary to maintain a home all qualify as self neglect.


Self neglect is harder to spot and recognize, but that doesn’t mean that there are no warning signs present. It also is far more prevalent than you might think. Some estimates say that as many as 35 to 45 percent of senior abuse cases are self inflicted. If you see a loved one who is struggling or refusing to do these things, there’s a chance that self neglect could be happening.


Self neglect is often preventable with the right care.


Our families deserve the best. That’s why we believe so strongly in the importance of high quality senior care. A great caregiver can do a lot to help avoid the situations mentioned above. In-home care is designed to help your loved one stay as comfortable as possible in their own home, but to also make sure that all of your parent’s physical needs are being met. Self neglect is much less likely to happen when there is someone in the house with them making sure that they are eating, taking care of themselves, picking up, and staying socially engaged. In-home care provides for physical needs, but it also is a source of companionship for those receiving care. It might seem like a small thing, but seniors are far more likely to withdraw from the world around them, and this can increase feelings of isolation and depression. Sometimes, when there’s another person in the house with them, these things can be alleviated or even avoided altogether.


We’d love to talk with you about what Paradise In-Home Care can do for your family. Please feel free to reach out to us by phone, email, or through our website if you have any questions about care or what we do. We offer a free consultation service and would love to sit down and discuss what in-home care is, and how it can or cannot meet the needs that your family has. Even if we’re not the right choice for your family, we can still help you to learn more and get headed in the right direction.

The post How to Spot Self Neglect appeared first on Paradise In-Home Care.

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