Tuesday, February 19, 2019

How Do Care Services Specialize?

One concern that I often hear from older people is that they have so many different people working with them. There’s an older gentlemen I have grown close to over the last couple years and he recently asked me, “how many doctors does one person need?” He was concerned because he has five different doctors that he works with. Before I could answer, one of my peers took the question on.

“As many as you need to stay healthy,” he replied.


It was a brilliant answer. No one person will have the same set of needs or circumstances. While someone in good health might only need their general practitioner, someone who is older and has more health issues will necessarily need more assistance. This goes for both doctors and for the senior care that our loved ones receive.


The specialization of care is essential to making sure that your older loved one is receiving the right care for their needs. We are all different, and we each have a different set of needs. Trying to blindly match senior care with an individual ignores the fact that not everyone has the same needs in front of them.


Different types of care focus on different things. Some focus just on companionship. This is what senior living is all about. Here, groups of seniors live in the same home or apartment complex. The advantage here is that older people are surrounded by their peers. Other types of care are more focused on providing the right type of care. For example, memory care is focused on helping those with dementia get through each day safely. In-home care focuses on providing for the needs of someone who doesn’t need a lot of medical assistance, but might have trouble getting around or performing daily tasks safely. The right type of care focuses on just what your family needs. It is supposed to make life easier, not more confusing.


The specialization of senior care is supposed to make life easier, not more confusing.


The amount of choices that you have when it comes to senior care can be overwhelming. And the terms for these things might not be clear to you at first. Words and phrases like assisted living, continuing care retirement communities, life plan assistance, in-home care, home health care, and many other types of care can seem like a lot of words to describe the same thing, but there are often important differences between these types of care. Knowing how to navigate these differences will be helpful when it comes to finding the right level of care for your family.


A good place to start is with what you know. You know your mom or dad’s personal needs better than anyone else does. Start here, and find a care services that meets those needs. The names of the types of care can be a good starting place, but ultimately what it comes down to is finding what works best for you.


Have more questions? Feel free to give us a call. We can schedule a free consultation and let you know what types of care we specialize in here at Paradise In-Home Care.

The post How Do Care Services Specialize? appeared first on Paradise In-Home Care.

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