Thursday, February 7, 2019

Depression Plays Major Role in Senior Health

Mental health plays a major role in the overall health of an individual. When it comes to senior citizens, this can be quite a pronounced relationship. A new study from the American Geriatrics Society found that seniors who experienced depression were much more likely to die prematurely. The unfortunate and tragic side of this is that depression is much harder to spot in older individuals than it is in younger folk. Many instances go completely unnoticed by families and healthcare professionals. Sometimes it is the people that we love that end up suffering as a result.


It shouldn’t be much of a surprise that mental health plays a role in the overall wellbeing of an individual. That’s why it’s so important to find a caregiver that understands this. Researchers have observed in that the past that there is a high correlation between depression and heart disease. Although they are still not one hundred percent sure, it is believed that there is a link between these two. However, this study was also quick to point out that the link between heart disease and depression did not account for the majority of premature deaths that were observed. They also found that the use of antidepressants did not have a noticeable impact on the outcome. There’s still a lot of work that needs to be done here, but luckily there are things that can be done right now.


Researchers have found that there is a relationship between depression and heart disease in seniors.


For starters, exercise can be helpful. Just 15 minutes of light activity, like walking, has been shown to have a positive impact on mental health. Almost everyone can do some sort of exercise. The trick is to find something that’s enjoyable. When this occurs, people are more likely to do it over the long haul, thus increasing its efficacy.


Human contact also plays a big role on mental health. When we are unable to connect with people, it takes a toll on us and depression can easily set in as a result. Sometimes, just talking with a friend regularly can be of help. It doesn’t need to be a therapist to be effective, either.


There are instances where antidepressants and therapy are necessary. If you think that an older loved one is suffering from depression, talking to a doctor with them about what options might be helpful for them is a good place to start. This can be a tough conversation, but it’s a worthwhile one. The more open and honest we are about this topic, the easier depression will be to diagnose.


Sometimes, helping your loved one is as easy as finding a caregiver that can spend time with them and help them throughout the day. If you’re looking for care in the Bay Area, please feel free to get in touch with us. Our trained caregivers will help you to find the best type of care for your loved one and get you started in the right direction. Hopefully, we can be of help to you. But if not, we can help guide you toward the resources that will help you. And best of all, our consultation time is completely free!

The post Depression Plays Major Role in Senior Health appeared first on Paradise In-Home Care.

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