Friday, February 15, 2019

Being a Better Advocate for Your Family

There are portions of our society that need help to thrive. In some ways, this is a very obvious statement. Look at children, for example. Small children, especially babies and toddlers, need a lot of help and attention in order to gain, practice, and use the skills that are necessary to survive in adulthood. This is one of the many reasons why the family structure is so important: it provides a safe place for kids to grow, make mistakes, and learn.


Kids are not the only portion of our society that requires attention and supervision. In one respect, all of us need this in order to do well. We don’t live in isolation, but require the help and support of family and friends to keep growing. But individuals suffering from a disability or elderly folk that have experienced a decline in mobility and ability also need more attention. This is not the same type of assistance that a baby needs, but it is still different from what the typical, healthy adult requires.


On top of this, we all need someone who is willing to speak up for us when we can’t do it ourselves. When it comes to children and the elderly, there’s also a great need for someone to look out for their best interests. Oftentimes, this is a family member or close friend. When it comes to our elderly loved ones, we need to remember that we are often that advocate that needs to speak up on their behalf.


This can be a scary or overwhelming thought for some people. Even if that is the case with you, it doesn’t make it any less of a vital role. Acting as an advocate can be tough, but it is often one of the most noble and important tasks you can be called to.


Oftentimes, we are the best candidates to advocate for the wellbeing of the elderly.


There’s no one out there that can do a better job of advocating for your elderly loved one than you can. As a family member, you know your mom or dad’s needs better than anyone. However, this is only a clinical understanding of who your parent is. Your mom has much more to her than her needs. There are things she likes doing, things she loves, things she hates. She has hobbies, interests, and passions. There are causes that are important to her. There are goals she’d like to achieve.


Even though your mom might need helping getting around the house, or even if she is confined to a nursing home, these things do not just go away. Speaking up to make sure that your loved one is being treated in the way that he or she deserves is one of the many ways that a family member can continue to show their love for an elderly parent even if they are no longer providing the care themselves, or even if they are no longer able to stay in the home. This might mean speaking to a nursing home employee, a doctor, or a caregiver. Either way, it is one further way that you can express your love and admiration for your family.

The post Being a Better Advocate for Your Family appeared first on Paradise In-Home Care.

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