Monday, November 12, 2018

No Changes in Maine’s Senior Care

The State of Maine recently voted on a proposition that would add home care to the list of services that the state’s universal health care system would cover. On Tuesday, November 5th, voters in Maine decisively decided that they would not pass this proposition. For most, this was not a surprise. However, although the senior care system in Maine won’t see any changes, there is still a growing need for change in the near future all around the country.


Although the sentiment is a great one, voters overwhelmingly shot down the sentiment because it would have added a 3.8 percent increase in taxes to some of the population of Maine. Even with this tax increase, there were a lot of unanswered questions about how care would be apportioned, who would be receiving what type of care, and how it would be administered. More planning may change things in the future for Maine and beyond.


In the meantime, the elderly individuals in our families and communities still need help getting through each day.


Senior care can be expensive, regardless of where you live. The laws of the land may change over time, and how insurance works regarding care might change, too, but the fact remains that someone, somewhere, needs to be responsible for the expenses of caring for older individuals. Sometimes this cost is simply one of opportunity. For example, if you need to take time off from work to help a loved one out, you are missing out on the potential for earning money. You might not need to pay a penny, but you are losing out on potential income.


Other times, the costs are easier to recognize. If you are charged $1,000 by a nursing home, it is really easy to recognize what the cost of care is.


Maine recently voted to not overhaul their senior care program.


Either way, it’s not uncommon to have questions about senior care. It is a huge and confusing topic. Unless you have worked in the industry for years, you probably are not one hundred percent sure of what you’re doing.


That’s why we at Paradise In-Home Care are proud to offer a free consultation for our clients to help them figure out not just what type of care they need, but also to help go over options of how to pay for care and not break the bank while doing so. This might seem like a small gesture, but if it is something that helps you to know what all of your options are, then it can be a huge help in many cases. You might even decide that going with a professional caregiver isn’t the right move at all. Either way, it is our pleasure to help you along the way.


Things might not change in terms of in-home care in Maine or any other state in the near future. Or, maybe they will. Either way, as caregivers and family members, we all have a responsibility to help make sure that they older individuals in our lives have the care and assistance that they need to stay as safe and healthy and well-loved as possible.

The post No Changes in Maine’s Senior Care appeared first on Paradise In-Home Care.

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