Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Seniors and Entertainment

Entertainment is a huge part of most people’s lives. Take a moment to think about how much time you spend each day on entertainment. The average American spends a little more than 2 ½ hours on their mobile devices each day, according to several different surveys. Most of that is on apps, either using social media, searching the web, watching videos, or playing games. This statistic is disturbing to some, and it has some implications when it comes to senior care. Being aware of this statistic can help us to help our loved ones–both the younger ones that we might think are spending too much time on their phones, ourselves, and our elderly loved ones.


For example, just because someone is getting older does not mean that they do not want to enjoy the things that they once did. Things like TV, sports, games, movies, family, hobbies, and more are still important to individuals, even though they are older and have a physical limitation. Unfortunately, this is one of the things that is often forgotten or ignored when caregiving becomes an issue.


Finding a professional caregiver that acknowledges this fact might not be at the top of your list, but it should still be taken into consideration. Little things like this make life better for us and our loved ones. After all, one of your goals as a family member is to give your parent or grandparent the best care possible. Little things like this can be what makes the difference between a good caregiver and a great one. If your in-home care service isn’t thinking about this aspect of life, maybe it’s time to wonder why that’s so.


In some areas of life, entertaining the older population is becoming a mainstream concept. Some companies, such as DISH network, are taking this into account and structuring their marketing strategies around the older demographic. In addition to making programming choices that are geared toward an older population, they are building features into their product that will prove to be beneficial to seniors. Voice activated commands make finding the right show easier, and on-screen reminders and alerts, such as when it’s time to take a medication, are a great help for seniors who struggle to remember those types of things.


An enjoyment of entertainment doesn’t disappear just because someone is getting older.


Of course, entertainment–even if it has these features built in–is never a replacement for human contact. That’s true of family members and it’s true of professional caregivers. A caregiver can do many things that a TV screen or a smartphone cannot. The need for human contact is one of the things that make us distinctly “human.” We crave the company of others, and being a senior citizen that has difficulty with getting through their day safely does not change that. Having a compassionate caregiver to assist with these things can make life better. That goes for both a health and a happiness point of view.


Does someone in your family need help finding the right caregiver? Get in touch with us today. Our care services might be exactly what your family needs.

The post Seniors and Entertainment appeared first on Paradise In-Home Care.

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