Thursday, August 2, 2018

Is Marriage Good for Your Health?

According to a new study, marriage has a positive correlation with better health and a reduced risk of premature death. Single, divorced, and widowed individuals tend to face a much higher likelihood of premature mortality than people who are married, says the authors of this study.


An article published in Heart stated that marital status should be included as a risk factor for heart disease because of the direct correlation that exists between the two. Individuals who are not married, for whatever reason, stand a higher chance of developing heart disease than people who are married. The risk rate, after a comprehensive review of literature, found that single people were 42 percent more likely to develop cardiovascular heart disease and 16 percent more likely to develop coronary heart disease. The risk of dying from heart disease and having a stroke was also significantly higher in the unmarried population.


Just why this is isn’t quite clear yet. Some believe that warning signs can be spotted more easily when there are two people living together and caring for each other. Others think that marriage creates higher levels of accountability, such as remembering to take medications and to take care of finances.


Other risk factors, like high blood pressure, sex, cholesterol, diabetes, and smoking status can be attributed to about 80 percent of the cases of heart disease that researchers have looked at. It’s unclear why the other 20 percent of cases have existed, but marital status may have something to do with it.


New research suggests that marriage plays a larger role in health than once thought.


The key takeaway for us is that if we have an elderly loved one that is not married, then we should be encouraging them to get checked out by a doctor on a regular basis. Even if they are in good health, this study shows that the burdens of living alone may have something to do with the development of heart disease. Taking steps to be proactive about it might be helpful in allowing them to live a higher quality of life.


This advice is great at the theoretical level, but if a loved one needs help or is having trouble with their health, it really doesn’t have much practical application. In these instances, you want someone who can help your elderly mom or dad regardless of why that help is needed. Finding a caregiver that has the proper training and experience to give you parent the care that they deserve in order to have the lifestyle they want. A caregiver can’t take the place of a spouse, but it can provide some of the safeguards and acts of accountability that a spouse might take on. For example, a caregiver can help your parent to ensure that medications are taken correctly and that health warnings are addressed with a proper medical professional.


A skilled and loving caregiver can even provide companionship and company to your mom or dad. By being a friend, your parent will be less lonely and happier. This might seem small, but it’s one of the parts of in-home care that’s often overlooked in its importance.

The post Is Marriage Good for Your Health? appeared first on Paradise In-Home Care.

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