Monday, August 20, 2018

Do the Eyes Hold Valuable Information Regarding Parkinson’s?

The eye is closely related to the brain. This is why many researchers believe that the secret to a more effective treatment for Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease will be found through this line of study. Going along with this, new studies show that Parkinson’s can be diagnosed a little bit earlier by a close examination of the eyeball.


In a new study published by the American Academy of Neurology, there’s a direct link between the eye and Parkinson’s. When the cells in the retina begin to thin, the severity of Parkinson’s worsens. Researchers believe that this will help them to detect the disease a lot sooner than they ever have been able to before.


The eyes are more closely associated with Parkinson’s disease than once though, new research says.


Parkinson’s is caused by the loss of the neurons that produce dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that helps with movement, amongst other things. When these brain cells die, the shaky movement that is associated with Alzheimer’s occurs.


Because the eye is so close to the brain, a lot can be learned about brain health through a thorough look at the back of the eye itself. The optic nerve directly connects the eye to the brain, and it is here that doctors can learn more about Parkinson’s and other cognitive issues. The retina, which is a collection of nerve cells at the back of the eye, is also relate to the brain. This new study shows that as the retina thins, it could be a sign that Parkinson’s disease is present, even before symptoms begin to be physically noticeable. In the sample of patients that were examined, they found that the thinner the retina, the worse the progression of Parkinson’s had become. These cells are more closely associated with Parkinson’s than once thought, and they may help doctors to diagnose and provide treatment for the disease earlier than they have been in the past.


The researchers involved in this study stated that there’s still a lot of work that needs to be done on this topic before the information that they have found can be easily applied in a clinical setting. However, it’s another big step in promoting senior health. At the very least, it helps doctors to better understand the disease. The end results will hopefully be that those with Parkinson’s can have a higher quality of life for a longer period of time.


Really, that’s the goal for all types of senior care. Professional caregivers specialize in helping senior citizens to live a better life by helping them with the everyday tasks that they struggle with. Finding the right caregiver for your needs is important, and can make a huge difference in the quality of the care that’s provided.


As always, if you have questions about care, please get in touch with us. Whether you’re looking for care for a loved one with Parkinson’s or something else, we have a team of reliable and compassionate caregivers that can step in and help your entire family to live better lives. Call us today for more information on how we can help you.

The post Do the Eyes Hold Valuable Information Regarding Parkinson’s? appeared first on Paradise In-Home Care.

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