Saturday, July 21, 2018

Ideas to Use Technology More Effectively

Technology is one of the key areas being focused on when it comes to the improvement of senior care. Using it more effectively is tough for some seniors, though. These are not people who have grown up immersed in technology like our children have, and even finding a website like the one you’re currently viewing is tough for some seniors. It’s not that they are incapable of using technology correctly, it’s just that they don’t have the same kind of experience that some of us do.


This can make using technology a lot harder than it needs to be. Hopefully, these ideas will help you to make the lives of the people that you love a little bit easier.


Idea #1: Simplify


If you’re going to get a tablet or a smartphone for your mom or dad so that you can video chat with them more often, simplify the process for them as much as possible. Download Facetime, Skype, or whatever app you’re planning on using for them, place it in an easy to find place on the homescreen of the device. You might need to create an account for them. Do all of this before you give them the phone, and then walk them through the process a couple times. Before you leave, have them demonstrate the process of opening up the app and connecting to your phone so that you are both confident that they will be able to do it on their own.


Here are a few ways to help your parent use technology more effectively.


Idea #2: Introduce Essentials


There are so many tech items out there, and although a lot of them are really cool, not all of them are essential, especially for seniors. When introducing new technology to your elderly parent, make sure that it is something that they will need. Otherwise, it’s likely to not be used or be used incorrectly. For example, an Apple Watch is a really cool gadget, but unless it can be synced to an iPhone, it’s just an expensive timepiece. However, a lot of the newer medical alert jewelry is easy to use, intuitive, and can actually go a long way toward keeping your loved one safe if something were to happen.


Idea #3: Check In


Technology is awesome, but your loved one is only going to thrive if they have human contact. Check in on them once in a while if you’re close by. If you live far from your parent, ensure that they have a trustworthy caregiver working with them. This will make sure that any physical needs are being met. Checking in on Skype is a good way to see how they are doing, but if there are things that they need help with, visiting in person will be far more effective. This also helps you to make sure that they are using their technology correctly. For example, perhaps you’re starting to notice that they are confused about whether or not they’ve been taking their medications. Downloading a pill tracker on their phone and showing them how to use it can rectify this.

The post Ideas to Use Technology More Effectively appeared first on Paradise In-Home Care.

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