Thursday, July 19, 2018

5 Best Tips for Seniors Living Alone

As the number of senior citizens in our country grows, it’s inevitable that many individuals will be living alone. This doesn’t mean that they must live in isolation, though. Here are five tips to help seniors that are living on their own.


Tip #1: Use Technology


Technology has made the world smaller than ever before. Through phones, tablets, and computers, we can connect with people all over the world. For a homebound senior or someone that spends good chunks of their time alone, this is a huge blessing. It allows someone who might not otherwise interact with family and friends to do so without the hassle of leaving the house.


Tip #2: Use Medical Alert Jewelry


We all remember the commercials about this, but medical alert bracelets have really come a long way since then, and are far more helpful than ever before. If someone falls and injures themselves, the button can be pushed to alert authorities, but these items can do a lot more than that. Some of the advanced models can measure how long someone has been motionless, give GPS data on where they’re located, and even determine if they’re behaving in a way that warrants suspicion. These can be a big help for those living alone.


About Paradise In Home Care

Seniors that are living alone do not need to live in isolation from others.


Tip #3: Rearrange the House for Safety


Sometimes, just moving some things around can make a world of difference. Keeping items in places that are easier to reach, moving trip hazards out of the way, and installing safety bars in high traffic areas of the house can reduce a lot of injuries. The bathroom and the kitchen are areas that deserve the most focus, but an injury can occur anywhere.


Tip #4: Keep Track of Medications


Medicine is one of the most difficult parts of managing care on your own. Remembering whether you’ve taken your pills is easy if you have one or two that needs to be taken once a day, but after this, it can get a bit tougher. There are a number of ways that this can be done with ease. Some people use a smartphone app to manage medication, while others prefer the day of the week pill box method. Tracking things in an easy to view and access method is extremely important either way. If your parent doesn’t currently have a method for tracking this, it’s important to help them find a way that works.


Tip #5: Hire an In-Home Caregiver


In-home care is much more than someone coming in to prepare meals and clean up messes. Yes, these things are important, but the most important thing that a caregiver does is provide companionship. A trained and loving caregiver acts as much more than a helper, but can become a trusted friend as this relationship bond grows. This is why it’s so important that when you hire a caregiver for a loved one that you make sure that they have not just the experience and expertise necessary to do a good job, but the right personality to help your loved one grow as a person, too.


The post 5 Best Tips for Seniors Living Alone appeared first on Paradise In-Home Care.

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