Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Lab Mice Leading the Fight Against Alzheimer’s

When it comes to Alzheimer’s disease, researchers are finding that combining treatment methods are more effective than one method alone. Treatment methods that aimed to reduce the amount of amyloid-beta plaque within the brains of lab mice were found to be far more effective when two methods were combined than when one method was used on its own. In the past, research has shown that single methods can be effective, but only to a certain degree. They do not provide a cure for Alzheimer’s but merely act as a temporary restraint against the disease. When combined, that temporary restraint is far more effective. It’s still not a cure, but it’s a lot better than it was.


Looking at a lab mouse model might seem like a weird jump, but this is actually one of the main ways that new and improved treatment methods are discovered for human usage. This is an easy way to ensure that treatments will be safe and effective for humans. So far, this method of treating Alzheimer’s disease appears to be safe and helpful for mice. This is not a guarantee that it will be as effective for humans, but there’s a decent chance that it might be. More time and research is needed, of course, but this is a big step in the right direction.


Lab mice are helping researchers discover new ways to help people with Alzheimer’s disease.


It will be some time still before this method of treatment makes its way to the human population. That’s normal in the course of research and treatment. In fact, that’s how we want it to be, right? We want to make sure that if something is going to be recommended to ourselves or someone that we love that it will be helpful and not harmful. Still, this is encouraging because it points to the fact that there are more good things to come in the fight against dementia.


The big thing for us to take away from this new study? Better treatment of Alzheimer’s disease is possible. That is encouraging news, both for families that are dealing with a loved one suffering from this disease right now, and for those that might face it in the future. More effective treatments are out there, and it is only a matter of time until they are discovered and implemented.


In the meantime, having a loved one that has Alzheimer’s is hard on the entire family. You probably have spent a lot of time thinking about what you can do to help them. If you haven’t thought of in-home care yet, it might be worth spending some time looking into. It’s not right for everyone, but it can be helpful for many. If you’re unsure if in-home care can be of use to your family, get in touch with us today. We’ll go over what in-home care can and cannot do and help you to make a more informed choice of whether it’s the right choice for your family or not. The consultation is completely free, so it’s just an investment of your time to get headed in this direction.

The post Lab Mice Leading the Fight Against Alzheimer’s appeared first on Paradise In-Home Care.

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