Thursday, March 8, 2018

Possible Solution to Back Pain Found

Chronic back pain is one of those things that many senior citizens struggle with, yet there’s very little that doctors have been able to do much about. Medications like opioids have been prescribed, but these can often have far worse side effects than the condition that they were expected to treat. For many, the process is one of trial and error, and no good solution is ever arrived at.


Researchers in Valencia at the CEU Cardenal Herrera University recently confirmed that wearing rocker bottom shoes can help improve conditions for those experiencing back pain. These shoes have a curved bottom that encourages the foot to “rock” forward when walking. After a trial, researchers found that those who wore these shoes for six hours a day for four weeks had stronger back muscles and had improved the curvature of their spines.


Rocker bottom shoes can help improve back strength and reduce pain.


This doesn’t work by making the pain disappear or by masking it, but by building and strengthening the muscles in the back that are experiencing the pain. As the muscles grow stronger because of the slightly unstable way that the shoes are designed, the pain diminishes because the muscles are being trained to overcome it.


Chronic pain, especially back pain, might seem absolutely untreatable. And when you look at your parent who is experiencing that pain, you realize that they are not suffering alone. It is something that impacts the entire family. Taking steps to help your parent live a higher quality of life might seem impossible. You’ve probably tried doctors, and probably a whole lot more.


Studies like this one show us that giving up hope is never the right choice. Little things, like switching the type of shoe that’s worn, can sometimes go a long way toward improving the life that your mom or dad–or anyone else in your family–is living. Chronic pain can seem insurmountable, and it’s easy to give up. Just because there might not be an easy solution to solving it does not mean that it is an insoluble question.


Chronic pain might still be a mystery to doctors, but that doesn’t mean it’s not real. Families with a loved one experiencing pain might need extra help as they care for their aging loved one, too. In-home care or another type of senior care might be helpful in tackling these new challenges. We are here for you if you have any questions about how care can benefit your family.


Rocker bottom shoes are not for everyone that experiences pain. They do create a bit of instability when walking, especially as the wearer first starts getting used to them. If someone has balance issues or suffers from severe osteoporosis, these shoes might not be right because of the increased chance of injury from a fall. However, they can be effective in others. If you have questions about whether these types of shoes might be right for you or someone you care about, ask a doctor familiar with the situation. Buying a pair of shoes is far more cost effective than months of physical therapy, but it’s important that you don’t make the situation worse instead of making it better.

The post Possible Solution to Back Pain Found appeared first on Paradise In-Home Care.

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