Monday, February 5, 2018

Benefits of Red Wine Used to Help Seniors

We have all heard about how antioxidants found in red wine have many benefits when it comes to heart health. And because cardiovascular disease is the number one killer of adult men and women in the United States, every little thing that we can do to help improve heart health is beneficial. Nowhere is this as relevant as when it comes to the senior population. Heart disease poses a much bigger risk for the elderly because there have likely been many unhealthy factors compounding over time simply because these folk have been alive for longer. It only makes sense that the more someone is exposed to unhealthy practices, the more severe the consequences will become.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say that about 630,000 people die each year in the U.S. from heart disease. It can happen in a number of ways, but all of them share plaque lining the inside of arteries in common. One method of treatment involves the use of a stent that increases the diameter of at risk arteries, but research has shown that these can shrink over time, and the risk of a stroke or heart attack increases again. Scientists are now working on a way to use these stents to release red wine antioxidants in order to help those that are at risk to keep themselves as healthy as possible.


The two antioxidants focused on are resveratrol and quercetin. The use of these has shown to help restore a healthy level of blood flow to areas that might be adversely impacted because of plaque. It is a method of treatment that still needs a lot of study, but it is a small victory in the war against heart disease. For those who have already found themselves to be at a higher risk than the average population, every little bit of progress counts for a healthier life. Quality of life is important at any age, and this development will hopefully be a leap forward for some people.


Red wine’s antioxidants might help those with stents prevent further heart disease.


Prevention remains the best medicine when it comes to helping our loved ones live a healthier life. A glass of red wine is not going to provide an instant cure for heart disease, although a glass every once in a while can be beneficial to some people. Other factors, such as a healthy diet, refraining from smoking, exercise, and regular doctor checkups can all help your mom or dad to fight and prevent heart disease.


Dealing with advanced disease can be quite difficult, and those that are facing disability as a result of this have a tough road ahead of them. Things like in-home care can be helpful in many cases, but preventing these problems altogether is a much better long term solution. Not only is prevention great because it helps avoid the complexities of needing care, but it is also a much cheaper long term solution for families. Care can be expensive, and the least expensive type of care is no care at all.

The post Benefits of Red Wine Used to Help Seniors appeared first on Paradise In-Home Care.

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