Thursday, February 1, 2018

3 Tips for Family Caregivers

Family caregivers have a tough task in front of them. It is often a thankless task, and it is emotionally and physically exhausting at times. It’s also one that is done alone much of the time. That’s why I put together these three tips. Hopefully they help you to become a better family or in-home care giver.


Tip #1: Read Care Blogs


Reading about senior care probably isn’t on your list of top ten favorite leisurely activities. But, when you are a family caregiver, having a high level of knowledge concerning what is going on in the world of senior care can be helpful for making decisions that will have a positive impact on the wellbeing of your loved one. Senior care blogs–like the one here at Paradise In-Home Care–can be a quick and easy way to stay on top of the world of senior care. Blogs are usually short in length, and are designed to give you the reader a bite sized portion of information. Having a list of a few blogs that you know and trust for updates on the state of the industry can help you to become a better caregiver.


Just keep in mind that not all blogs are trusted sources of information. Anyone can put anything that they want on the internet, and even something that is intended to help might not be as helpful or as factual as you might think. If you are going to base major decisions off of what you read on the web, be sure that you fact-check with a trusted source before moving forward.


Tip #2: Rest


If you are exhausted and feeling unwell, odds are you will not be able to provide a high level of care for the people that you care about. Providing care is not an easy thing, and every once in a while, a break is needed. If you don’t have a family member that is able to step in once and a while and help, you might want to consider using a respite care service. If you this, be sure to use a caregiver service so that you can be ensured that your mom or dad is receiving the best care possible from someone who is fully trained, responsible, and has the resources to adjust care and make recommendations as needed.


Respite care serves many purposes. It can help you to continue to live the life that you need to while you care for an elderly member of your family by allowing you to take the occasional break, go on a trip for work, or even just step out of the house and run a few errands. It also helps to avoid caregiver burnout. Take a few days off and recharge. When you return, you will be able to once again give your parent the care that they deserve.


Family caregivers often face a thankless job. Hopefully, these tips can help.


Tip #3: Don’t Isolate Yourself


Caregivers spend a lot of their days by themselves. This is okay in small doses, but spending too much time without a social life can be detrimental to your health. People are social beings, and even the most dedicated caregiver needs to spend time with friends, other family members, and people that will make their lives more fulfilling.

The post 3 Tips for Family Caregivers appeared first on Paradise In-Home Care.

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